Tuesday 4 November 2008

The Three Shooting Techniques

180 Degree Rule: This is a line between two or more actors that must not be crossed when shooting. The camera angles must differ to show the direction that specific character is facing, so if they are introduced on the left side of the screen, they must stay on the left side of the screen.

Match on Action: Is the smoothness between each shot, meaning how the action follows on through the shots. If a man opened a door and the previous shot was focusing on him walking through that door, the following shot would have to show him walking through that door from another angle.

Shot/Reverse Shot: This type of shot should reflect the character and what they can see. Say if a character was sitting in a classroom, the camera would show the character (perhaps facing the board at the front of the room), followed by what they see (being the board and what is on that board). Meaning that the shot follows the character and their eye line.

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